I am facing three consecutive weeks of races where quite possibly I may run none of them for various reasons.
The race I am most interested in running is the Classic 10K in New York on Sunday. I believe I can run six miles in my current state, but would be at a very high risk of injuring my leg again during the anticipated 50+ minutes race duration. I am not sure if I have an adequate supply of adrenaline to cover this amount of running. In addition, I would be almost certain to incur another two weeks of injury recovery time from the damage likely to my leg again from running the race. Not to mention gas is nearly $2.60 a gallon for this 400 mile round trip commute.
The race I am least interested in because I have run this distance several times this year is the Hershey Company sponsored Children's Miracle Network run on Saturday June 20th. If I skip the race this weekend, I should be in sufficient shape to run a 5K. I admit I have a predilection for running races where medals are awarded and I do not anticipate earning one here. The other two races this month award participatory medals to all runners who finish the race.
The last race this month was to be the culmination of several months of dedicated distance running training. Once again, this race is out of state in Connecticut, some four hours and 220 miles away. I am holding out an ever so small ray of hope that I recover soon and come back with a vengeance to be able to enter this race. I would have to definitely skip the New York and Hershey races to have any shot of achieving this.
Worst case scenario is I don't race in June and pretty much flush the month down the toilet as an injury month. Problem now is, I only have slightly more than three months / 12 weeks to be ready to run a 26 mile marathon.
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