One of my earlier goals was to break the 200 pound weight barrier. I have been hovering in the 210-215 pound range for nearly five years. As you can see from the picture, I was sub-200 pounds on Sunday March 29th.
I ran for 45 minutes at the Palmyra high school track on Sunday afternoon. Before I left for the run I weighed 201.4 pounds. After the run I weighed 198.4, a loss of 3 pounds. This weight was water weight. In essence, I 'de-hydrated' three pounds of water. A gallon of H2O weighs 8 pounds and contains 128 ounces. I lost 3lb/8lb * 120 oz, or 45 ounces of water running Sunday afternoon.
I will need to bring something to drink such as Gatorade or Powerade on my future runs to replace in part, the fluids I am losing while training. The temperature was in the low 50's on Sunday afternoon. Once the temperatures reach the 80's and 90's it will become much more critical to hydrate properly.
My next personal weight goal will be to break the 190 pound weight barrier. I would like to be there by Memorial Day, Monday May 25th.
Additional note: The 25.5 reading on the scale is my current body fat percentage. I need to lower this percentage substantially before I could be regarded as being fit.
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