I believe merely by sheer luck, the pace I initially set for the first lap was the pace I needed to maintain for the entire thirteen laps. The tendency is to over-run the first lap. There was only a nine second spread between my fastest quarter mile (one lap around track) and the slowest.
The final time was 27:35, which equates to an 8:54 mile pace. For a runner, this pace equates to a level commensurate with a woman aged 35-39 who is also in her second trimester. It is not a fast pace by any standard.
Personally, I was not able to run 3.1 miles just some six weeks ago. This trial run was a very timely confidence booster for this Sunday's Winning Kick 5K race in Mt Penn.

I received a response from the Winning Kick 5K race director today. Part of the race is run on the street and part of it is run on a track. I would assume the last part is run on a track. Since I have been training predominantly on a track (i.e. level surface), this is good news.
Tried my first Clif nutrition bar today. My first impression upon buying one at the Giant food store was they are very small. I purchased the black cherry almond flavored bar. I was pleasantly surprised. While this bar is not going to unseat Snickers or a Hershey chocolate bar as the most savory snack bar, it was moist and tasted very good. Some of the nutrition bars are bone dry and require you wash them down with a quart of fluids. Not the case here.
Finished the month of April at 192.8 pounds. I believe I began April somewhere in the vicinity of 201 pounds.