Monday, November 16, 2009

Still Recovering from Marathon

I have been suffering from both a cold and very sore legs since the Harrisburg marathon last Sunday. Yesterday the temperatures were in the high 70's and so I decided to go for a run on the uncharacteristically hot mid November day.

On a normal day I need to run about a mile before I get warmed up and my muscles begin to work more smoothly. I was not able to kick in to my warmed up gear. The entire run was laborious. Near the beginning of mile three my knee soreness which originated from the marathon flared up.

Assuming I have roughly a three foot stride when I run, it would take me approximately 1760 strides to complete running a mile. Multiply this by the 26.2 miles associated with a marathon, and now you are taking over 46,000 strides in one day. That's a tremendous amount of stress to put on your legs and it appears my knees are my Achilles heel or weakest link.

The issue behind my feet searing at the marathon beginning around mile ten appears to have emanated from friction between my socks and my forefeet. The skin on each foot appeared to be one big blister spanning from one side of the foot to the other. It appears the unique combination of my sneaker, custom insole and sock caused excessive friction during my running cycle. If I would have run less than ten miles, this issue would not have materialized.

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