I am currently twenty miles shy of running 800 miles for the year with only ten days remaining in calendar year 2010. I would like to complete four more training session at an average of five miles per session this year. I have recently completed runs of seven and eight miles, but have been extremely sore after the runs. I have been sore to the extent I needed to rest two days to recover fully.
I have learned if you run on a day you haven't recovered enough, the run is a very labored one and not very enjoyable. The joy is not there. When you have recovered sufficiently, you attack your run with a certain zeal.
How many hours of running have I completed to log 780 miles? Would you believe slightly over 112 hours? This is only eight hours short of running for a full five days in 2010. That's a fair amount of exercise for my heart.
120 hours over twelve months averages to about 10 hours per month of running. I don't anticipate I will have more free time to run in 2011 because I will be spending more time playing with my sons as they get older.
This annual goal was not something I had aspired to accomplish last January 1st. It's more of a reflection of my current training level. I imagine I will run more miles next year because my pace will quicken - even if I don't get in as many hours of training.
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