I ran at a slow relaxed pace trying to conserve my energy for the run. In a nutshell, running with mental effort dedicated toward conserving my energy by running at a comfortable pace, conscientiously breathing with deeper breathes than normal, and repeating to myself in a mantra like fashion "Glide through the wind" enabled me to run ten kilometers without having to stop and walk.
When I run a 5K race I run as if there were an angry bear chasing after me. I am hell bent on getting to the finish line as soon as possible. Recently a man jogged through our development past our house. He initially caught my eye because he ran very upright, almost like a pencil with legs. In spite of his strange gait, he had a very calm and relaxed aura as he ran. He appeared as though he could run for days. When I run my face is filled with a grimace as if I am in the midst of a kidney stone bout.
For my next two races I must sacrifice pace and make a very concerted effort to conserve my energy in order to finish the races. I believe purposefully breathing deeply will help to eliminate my recent side stitch issue. I have to throw away my plans for goal paces by kilometer and rededicate myself to getting to the finish line without walking. Most of all I need to relax more while I run.
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