Two years ago I resolved to quit using smokeless tobacco. It was a foul habit I subscribed to for nearly a decade. Most people are familiar with the smokeless tobacco brands Skoal and Copenhagen. I dipped the more mild brand Hawken. Nicotine addiction is tough to break because each day consists of a habitual routine where you are perpetually looking forward to the next nicotine dose. I used the tobacco to calm my nerves as well as an appetite suppressant. It took several tries to quit, but I was finally able to rid my nicotine shackles.
Last year I resolved to get back in shape enough to run either a marathon or half marathon. While my marathon performance left much to be desired, I had trained enough to finish the race. Not to mention I ran over 500 miles last year.
I do not believe either resolution originated on New Year's day. Anyhow I will make a New Year's resolution for 2010.
This year will require a mastery of budgeting to enable our family to engage in any activities deemed recreational. I am very excited to have my wife going back to school to get her bachelor's degree. Juggling the collective financial needs of my wife, kids and myself will be the order of the day. Everyone has a little fat in their budget - we will be forced to be ultra lean this year. I have to resolve to only purchase items for our family which are either essential or consistent with our family's goals.
I do not believe either resolution originated on New Year's day. Anyhow I will make a New Year's resolution for 2010.
This year will require a mastery of budgeting to enable our family to engage in any activities deemed recreational. I am very excited to have my wife going back to school to get her bachelor's degree. Juggling the collective financial needs of my wife, kids and myself will be the order of the day. Everyone has a little fat in their budget - we will be forced to be ultra lean this year. I have to resolve to only purchase items for our family which are either essential or consistent with our family's goals.
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