A great aspect of running is you are solely the determining factor in your success. You do not have to contend with a team mate fumbling the ball or making an error on a ground ball. Team sports are great for camaraderie, but are increasingly more difficult to partake in as you get older for a number of reasons.
There are no politics in running. There is no favoritism. Everything is transparent.
If someone would have told me I would need to run for nearly 100 hours and 600 miles to get back in shape, I would have undoubtedly questioned my ability to get back into shape. I can't help but be slightly proud of fighting to reclaim my health. I am looking forward to playing sports with my sons, as opposed to being a spectator.
My wife is going through an intellectual renaissance. Her college classes are going extremely well. I am looking forward to the day when both of us are working and can take our children to as many places as possible to experience as much as possible.
There are running road races everywhere, all throughout the year. On February 21st, there is a half marathon in Hampton New Hampshire. Love to run this race and take the family, but we don't have the funds this year. Maybe someday in the future