With ten months of running registered on the books this year I have accumulated nearly 700 miles of training and racing. The month of October was dedicated primarily to long distance runs. I completed a half dozen runs in excess of eight miles. The motivation for incorporating this amount of long distance running was a couple of poor race performances.
I felt I had trained adequately for each of the races. I did a fair amount of speed training, but felt if I neglected anything, it was long distance running. Conventional wisdom is completing long distance runs forms the basis or foundation for an effective training program.
Because I have issues with my kidneys and hydration I must be very careful when I run long distances. I believe running six long distance sessions in October has served to make my legs much stronger. I imagine running this long would be similar to bench pressing a lighter weight for a very long time. You are going to strengthen a set of muscles if you exercise them for over an hour. (Running eight miles takes me about one hour and ten minutes)
I need to average 57 miles per month for November and December in order to reach a total of 800 miles of training and racing in calendar year 2010. I should be able to run even more miles in 2011 as one typically runs more miles in the same amount of time due to an increased pace from all the accumulated training.
I have submitted my application for Palmyra's Sticks and Biscuits 5K run on Thursday November 25th @ 8:15 am. Barring nasty weather, I would like to set a personal 5K record. I would like to run 21 minutes and 30 seconds - shaving seven seconds off my current PR of 21:37.
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